25 Mar, 2025
Jimmy Johns Coupons & Jimmy Johns 1$ Subs Deals.
Loyal Jimmy Johns fans know the famous 1$ sandwich deal, that has the customers purring a few time a year..
We aim to collect the latests Jimmy Johns coupons, promotions and discounts on 1 page here, for you to browse. Just jump to the comment section. We update this page every 1 or 2 months with the newest promotions.
Jimmy Johns Coupons – Where can I find them?
In general Jimmy Johns shops don’t use coupons actively the same way as like Pizza Hut, Subway etc.
However, a Good place to look is the company Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/jimmyjohns for new deals.
Jimmy Johns prefer to offer excellent discounts across the board.
For example:
- Christmas 10% off at all Jimmy John’s special. This promotions was for all items across the board and is usually revived every festival period.
- The Jimmy Johns 1$ Subs Promotion – The company will sometime offers Jimmy Johns 1$ Subs sandwiches for a whole day.
- Jimmy John’s “Customer Appreciation Day.” Look out in local advertising for this customer promotion day. We will add news of upcoming Customer Appreciating Days in the comment section. .
Up to Date Jimmy John coupons, promotions, deals and tips will be published in the comment section below. Feel free to add a comment or if you hear ofa Jimmy Johns deal in you local area.
You can also browse the Jimmy Johns Menu on our website.
The Jimmy Johns Home page is found here.
-Jimmy Johns Coupons and Promotions 2014-2015-
Thank you for visitting PizzaCouponCodes.net. Please add any new restaurant deals, specials and coupons in the comment part below each page.
Gm what day is the dollar sub day because I have a senior citizen, that I transport daily
So far in 2014, the Customer Appreciation Day has just been an occasional happening, but there was a Customer Appreciation Day last year in the beginning of November, so probably they will repreise the success this year.
Please, comment here if you hear about a Customer Appreciation Day in your area.
Gift Certificates: Jimmy Johns now offer gift cards that you can “top up” whenever you want. They will never expire. The gift cards are available in $5 increments. more at: www. jimmyjohns.com/giftCard/. They will not offer you any discounts on menu items, however.
You can now order Party Platters and more online, and they will be delivered to your door. There will be an additional charge for delivery orders. See: www. jimmyjohns.com/catering/
Great food and great service. Love the delivery policy.